“It’s Good To Be Here”
“It’s Good To Be Here” By: Gabrielle Jones and Isabella Montecucco Overview “It’s good to be here” are some parting words of Micheal Castillo, the organizer of the Encuentro project, left with us. Although it was in regards to a personal story that allowed him to connect with God once again, he wanted to impart the importance of one’s presence in the face of hardship. As we watched the sunrise for the last time here in El Paso, we knew we had a full day ahead of us. Walking around downtown, we were able to appreciate the meaningful murals with stories and messages of strength and hope. We stepped into the Sacred Heart Church for the last time this week to celebrate Mass with the community, and had our last immigration lecture back in the common room. With a filling lunch, Father Rafael Garcia and Brother Hector, two men who were with us through our week-long journey, led us in a reflection. It brought strong emotions of consideration, desolation, consolation, impact, and hope. Wi...